I. Introduction
First you'll need a Crossover Cable: A crossover cable is needed to directly connect your computer and Xbox. You would plug one end of the cable to your computer and the other end into the Xbox, there are no devices in between. If you have a hub, switch, or router you will not need a crossover cable though some still will work with one. With connecting to hubs, switches, or routers you should use a straight-through cable. The image below shows the difference between the two:
To easily tell if you have a crossover or not, simply look at the two ends side by side. If all the pins, 1 through 8 on both ends are all the same color in the same order, you have a straight-through cable. If pins 1, 3 and 2, 6 are swapped you have a crossover cable. Notice the TX, RX as well. This shows why in pc to pc connections a crossover is required. Otherwise one pc will be transmitting over the same wire the other pc is trying to transmit on.
This guide currently gives configuration examples for setting up an FTP connection with Evox, Avalaunch, MXM, or UnleashX as your dash. It is also recommended to use FlashFXP as your FTP client though many others will work just fine.
You do not NEED an internet connection to FTP to your Xbox. When you ftp to your Xbox from a computer in your house to the Xbox in your house, no packets (data) need to go out to the internet and they shouldn't even try. The tricky part is when you want to be able to access the internet and ftp to your Xbox at the same time. How this is done and how difficult it is depends on the devices you have.
I will not list every baby step involved for how to set things, like every mouse click required. If you're not sure how to do something I've said to configure, see number 5 below.
If something is said in this guide that you don't understand or don't know how to accomplish it, try google. It is a search engine at http://www.google.com
For example, if I say "Run a command prompt" but don't mention how; don't go immediately posting in the forums asking how you run a command prompt. First, try searching in google, "how to run command prompt windows xp". I'm willing to bet you'll get your answer faster. Another example, just so we're clear, if I say "turn off your winxp firewall", you may search in google, "how to turn off windows xp firewall". Again, I'm betting your answer will come faster.
This guide now has configuration diagrams to help anyone having difficulty understanding the configuration examples I discuss. Some people simply do better with visuals. The key for the diagrams is provided below:
II. Configuration Examples
Find the configuration that best matches what you have. Reading them all anyway could help your understanding.
1. Computer Direct Connection to XboxFirst you'll need a Crossover Cable: A crossover cable is needed to directly connect your computer and Xbox. You would plug one end of the cable to your computer and the other end into the Xbox, there are no devices in between. If you have a hub, switch, or router you will not need a crossover cable though some still will work with one. With connecting to hubs, switches, or routers you should use a straight-through cable. The image below shows the difference between the two:
To easily tell if you have a crossover or not, simply look at the two ends side by side. If all the pins, 1 through 8 on both ends are all the same color in the same order, you have a straight-through cable. If pins 1, 3 and 2, 6 are swapped you have a crossover cable. Notice the TX, RX as well. This shows why in pc to pc connections a crossover is required. Otherwise one pc will be transmitting over the same wire the other pc is trying to transmit on.
This guide currently gives configuration examples for setting up an FTP connection with Evox, Avalaunch, MXM, or UnleashX as your dash. It is also recommended to use FlashFXP as your FTP client though many others will work just fine.
You do not NEED an internet connection to FTP to your Xbox. When you ftp to your Xbox from a computer in your house to the Xbox in your house, no packets (data) need to go out to the internet and they shouldn't even try. The tricky part is when you want to be able to access the internet and ftp to your Xbox at the same time. How this is done and how difficult it is depends on the devices you have.
I will not list every baby step involved for how to set things, like every mouse click required. If you're not sure how to do something I've said to configure, see number 5 below.
If something is said in this guide that you don't understand or don't know how to accomplish it, try google. It is a search engine at http://www.google.com
For example, if I say "Run a command prompt" but don't mention how; don't go immediately posting in the forums asking how you run a command prompt. First, try searching in google, "how to run command prompt windows xp". I'm willing to bet you'll get your answer faster. Another example, just so we're clear, if I say "turn off your winxp firewall", you may search in google, "how to turn off windows xp firewall". Again, I'm betting your answer will come faster.
This guide now has configuration diagrams to help anyone having difficulty understanding the configuration examples I discuss. Some people simply do better with visuals. The key for the diagrams is provided below:
II. Configuration Examples
Find the configuration that best matches what you have. Reading them all anyway could help your understanding.
In this configuration you have your computer and Xbox directly connected. This direct connection can either be with the crossover cable, or with a straight-through cable to a hub/switch and then another straight-through cable from the hub/switch to your Xbox. Both are 'direct' connections.
2. Computer with two NICs
In this configuration you have two NICs. One possibly going to a router or a cable or DSL modem, the other you wish to make a direct connection to your Xbox with. You also have the option of configuring your Xbox for live, xbconnect, or xlink by enabling it to get out to the internet through your computer.
3. Computer with one NIC and a router
In this configuration you should have your computer and Xbox connected to the router. The router's WAN port goes to your cable, DSL modem, or otherwise out to the internet.
PRE SETUP: Before you begin setting up your configurations you should cable everything up properly. Make sure your Xbox is booted up with the dash loaded as well so you can test the settings you will put in. If you are loading your dash from a CD or DVD, any changes you need to make to the evox.ini, avalaunch.xml, config.xml or mxm.xml you will need to re-burn onto the disk then reboot your Xbox with your new boot disk. When making changes to the evox network settings when booting evox from the hard drive, make sure you scroll all the way down when you are finished and select save and exit.
Setting up Configuration 1
This is the simplest setup. Even if you have one of the other configurations, if you are experiencing problems you can always try this to help troubleshoot. This configuration can be setup in two different ways as showed in the Configuration 1a and Configuration 1b diagrams.
Evolution X Dashboard
Basically you can setup the [Network] Section of your evox.ini to look like this:
SetupNetwork = Yes
StaticIP = Yes
Ip =
Subnetmask =
Defaultgateway =
DNS1 =
DNS2 =
You may also have SkipifNoLink and you can set that to No. Also verify your [FTP] Section looks like this:
Enable = Yes
Password = xbox
IGR = No
MXM Dashboard
If you use MXM as your dash in your MXM.xml file you would want the